Rulantica - Waiting times LIVE

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Friday, 14. March 2025 at 14:20
Open from 09:30 to 22:00
Mostly cloudy at 6,3 °C
No rainfall at the moment
Attraction Course Daily schedule Waiting time
Svalgur Rytt Daily schedule Daily schedule 20
Vinter Rytt Daily schedule Daily schedule 20
Stormvind Daily schedule Daily schedule 15
Två Fall Daily schedule Daily schedule 15
Dugdrob Daily schedule Daily schedule 5
Hugin Daily schedule Daily schedule 5
Isbrekker Daily schedule Daily schedule 5
Munin Daily schedule Daily schedule 5
Snorri's Saga Daily schedule Daily schedule 5
Vikingløp Daily schedule Daily schedule 5
Vildfål Daily schedule Daily schedule 5
Vildstrøm Daily schedule Daily schedule 5
Tønnevirvel Daily schedule Daily schedule 1
All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.
Data status as of 14.03.2025 at 14:20