Toverland's Christmas Miracle: A Celebration for the Solitary

Thursday, 07. December 2023, 12:53

Saturday, 21. September 2024 at 04:45
Open from 10:00 to 18:00
Clear at 13,3 °C
No precipitation expected at the moment

In an era where Christmas is often synonymous with familial warmth and togetherness, the Dutch amusement park Toverland takes a step further to embrace those who find themselves alone during the holidays. Inspired by a touching personal story, Toverland opens its gates on Christmas Day for the solitary, presenting a program brimming with joy, community, and festive spirit.

Toverland: A Place of Gathering

While Christmas for many is associated with delicious food, warm family evenings, and spending time with friends, there are those for whom this season means loneliness and isolation. Recognizing this, Toverland has planned a special day when attractions, entertainment, and a festive Christmas meal are the highlights. The event is intended not just as a fleeting pleasure, but also as a space for forging new social connections.

Bryan Vreijsen's Inspiration

The idea for this event was sparked by the life story of Bryan Vreijsen, founder of the Brabant Maatjes Foundation. Vreijsen, who has experienced loneliness himself, established the foundation to assist youths in developing sustainable social contacts. His commitment and story deeply impressed Jean Gelissen jr., the managing director of Toverland, leading to the concept of hosting a special event for the solitary on Christmas Day.

Magical Moments at Toverland

On December 25th, Toverland visitors can expect a day filled with magic and joy. Following a warm welcome with hot chocolate, the park offers opportunities to get acquainted through various activities. Visitors can enjoy the numerous attractions and gather in the evening for a communal Christmas dinner at The Flaming Feather restaurant. The event concludes with a festive finale at the Winter Show, where Toverland hopes not just for an unforgettable day but also for the formation of lasting friendships.

Registration and Participation

Those interested in participating in this unique Christmas experience can register by December 17th on the website The event is open to individuals over 18 years of age and aims to provide a warm and welcoming experience for those who would otherwise spend Christmas Day alone.


Toverland's Christmas initiative is more than just a festive occasion; it's a symbol of empathy and community spirit. With this event, the amusement park creates an atmosphere that goes beyond the traditional family celebration, involving those who would otherwise be alone during the holidays. It exemplifies how Christmas can become an inclusive celebration of joy and togetherness. Toverland warmly invites you to be part of this Christmas miracle and to share in creating unforgettable moments together.

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