Rulantica - Showtimes

Experience unforgettable shows at Rulantica (Germany)! With our up-to-date overview, you'll never miss your favorite shows again. See at a glance when each show takes place at Europa-Park (Germany) and plan your visit perfectly.

Wednesday, 26. March 2025 at 07:51
Open from 09:30 to 22:00
Light rain possible at 7,9 °C
Inserting rain around 8:35 a.m.
Currently, no shows are available.
Rulantica - TOP5 of the current waiting times
Attraction Course Daily schedule Waiting time
Dugdrob Daily schedule Daily schedule
Hugin Daily schedule Daily schedule
Isbrekker Daily schedule Daily schedule
Munin Daily schedule Daily schedule
Snorri's Saga Daily schedule Daily schedule
All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.
Data status as of 25.03.2025 at 22:15