October 2023 in Rulantica: An Insight into Waiting Times and Visitor Experiences

Friday, 10. November 2023, 11:00

Friday, 20. September 2024 at 16:53
Open from 09:30 to 22:00
Variable clouds at 22,9 °C
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October 2023 in Rulantica presented a fascinating mix of minimal and maximal waiting times, influenced by weekdays, specific attractions, and school holidays and public holidays in Germany and neighboring countries.

Lowest and Highest Waiting Times

Remarkably, October 9, 2023, marked the day with the shortest average wait time, dropping to a mere 4.28 minutes. This day stood out as the most efficient for visitors. In contrast, the average waiting time peaked on October 26 at 21.99 minutes, indicating a high influx of visitors or possibly special events on that day.

Waiting Times by Weekdays

A closer look at waiting times by weekdays revealed that weekends (Saturday and Sunday) had the longest waiting times, averaging 17.75 and 15.46 minutes, respectively. This often correlates with the weekend rush in amusement parks. For shorter waiting times, Fridays (average 10.59 minutes) would have been the day to target.

Hourly Fluctuations

The hourly analysis showed that waiting times were shortest around 9 am at just 2.13 minutes and peaked around midday – a clear sign of the increase in visitor numbers as the day progressed.

Daily Averages

The daily average wait times across all attractions showed a wide variation, with October 9 and 10 being the days with the shortest wait times. Interestingly, these days fell within the autumn vacations of some states in Germany, contradicting the expectation of higher visitor numbers and longer waiting times.

Waiting Times by Attractions

Among the attractions, "Tønnevirvel" had the shortest average waiting time of 1.09 minutes, while "Vinter Rytt" topped the chart at 27.68 minutes. These figures could indicate the popularity or capacity of the respective attractions.

Influence of Weather and Holidays

The weather conditions in October, including temperature, probability of precipitation, and wind speed, likely influenced the number of visitors and waiting times. Additionally, the autumn school holidays in Germany and Switzerland, as well as public holidays like the Day of German Unity and Reformation Day, typically lead to an increase in amusement park visits.


October 2023 in Rulantica was characterized by dynamic shifts between quiet and busy days, influenced by a variety of factors, including school holidays and public holidays in Germany and neighboring countries. Visitors planning their trip should consider these patterns to select the best days for their visit to minimize wait times. This analysis demonstrates that proactive planning and understanding visitor dynamics are essential to make the most of a visit to Rulantica.

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