Winter Magic in Plopsaland: From Ghost House to Christmas Wonderland

Sunday, 10. December 2023, 17:36

Saturday, 21. September 2024 at 12:56
Open from 10:00 to 18:00
Sunny at 22,5 °C
No precipitation expected at the moment

Plopsaland De Panne has prepared something special for its visitors this winter. The former ghost house, Krampus, one of the main attractions in the Heidiland theme area, undergoes a spectacular metamorphosis: it is transformed into a wintry walkthrough, named Santa's Wonder House.

A Stroll Through a Winter Wonderland

Santa's Wonder House promises a unique experience for the entire family. The Heidiland theme area, previously known for its spooky Halloween attraction, transforms into a world filled with Christmas magic. This interactive walkthrough is adorned with lovingly designed Christmas decorations, twinkling lights, and artificial snow. Visitors are taken on a magical journey through this winter splendor, accompanied by cheerful Christmas elves, creating a glittering ambiance.

Meeting Santa Claus

The highlight of Santa's Wonder House is meeting Santa Claus. In a cozy corner of the house, he waits to greet the visitors. Here, people of all ages have the opportunity to create a keepsake in the form of a photo with Santa Claus. This personal encounter with one of the most beloved figures of the Christmas season ensures unforgettable moments.

Opening Times for the Christmas Experience

Santa's Wonder House is accessible throughout the Christmas season. It opens its doors on weekends and during the Christmas holidays from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. These opening hours are carefully chosen to offer visitors an exclusive and relaxed experience.

Winter Magic: A Feast for the Senses

But Plopsaland offers more than just Santa's Wonder House. As part of the Winter Magic event, the entire park is immersed in a festive light. Hundreds of Christmas trees, breathtaking light installations, and a winter bar at the entrance plaza give the park a special atmosphere. The Luminaria projection show, which takes place in the evening, is a visual highlight that captivates the audience.

Additional Attractions for Younger Guests

For children, there are additional attractions: The popular character Peppa Pig is part of Winter Magic, bringing joy to little ones. During Ketnet Christmas, there will also be special performances and meet-and-greets, turning the park into a stage for magical moments.


With the transformation of the Krampus ghost house into the wintry Santa's Wonder House and the comprehensive offerings of the Winter Magic event, Plopsaland De Panne once again demonstrates its knack for extraordinary experiences. The combination of traditional Christmas charm and modern attractions makes a visit to Plopsaland an unforgettable experience for the whole family. This Christmas season, Plopsaland becomes a place where dreams come true, and the magic of the Christmas season can be experienced in all its facets.

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