October at Phantasialand 2023: An analysis of waiting times and visitor experiences

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Thursday, 19. September 2024 at 23:36
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Phantasialand offered its visitors a world of adventure and magic in October 2023. In this article, we delve into the details of the waiting times, weather conditions and visitor patterns that characterized the park visit this month.

Changing waiting times

Interestingly, waiting times at Phantasialand varied considerably in October 2023. They peaked on October 2 with an average of 19.69 minutes, while October 20 marked the most relaxed day with an average of just 5.65 minutes. This significant difference in waiting times is evidence of the dynamic nature of park operations and visitor flows.

A look at the days of the week and times of day

The analysis of waiting times by day of the week revealed that Tuesdays and Fridays were comparatively quieter, with average waiting times of around 7.75 and 6.72 minutes respectively. In contrast, waiting times at weekends, particularly on Saturdays, were slightly longer at an average of 8.15 minutes. It was also found that waiting times were lowest at around 6.81 minutes in the morning at 9 a.m. and late afternoon at 6 p.m., which indicates favorable times for park visits.

The most popular attractions

A look at the average waiting times for the individual attractions in October 2023 reveals that "F.L.Y." and "Taron" topped the list of the most popular attractions with over 13 minutes. On the other hand, family-friendly attractions such as "Der lustige Papagei" and "Wirtl´s Taubenturm" were particularly accessible with average waiting times of under 5 minutes.

Weather conditions as an influencing factor

Weather conditions in October 2023 were also an important factor in the visitor experience. Average temperatures varied throughout the month, with peaks of 24.57°C on October 2 and cooler days towards the end of the month. The probability of precipitation and wind speed also varied, which visitors had to take into account when planning their visit to the park.

Vacations and public holidays as visit drivers

Not to be forgotten are the fall vacations and public holidays, which had a significant impact on visitor numbers. The autumn vacations in various federal states as well as German Unity Day on October 3 and Reformation Day on October 31 were highlights for family outings, which was reflected in the higher waiting times.


October 2023 at Phantasialand was characterized by a mixture of adventurous attractions, varying waiting times and changeable weather conditions. This month offered both quiet days for quick access to attractions and busy times during vacations and public holidays. Visitors who planned their visit strategically were able to enjoy both the magic of the park and a pleasant visitor experience. October at Phantasialand thus remains a prime example of how different factors can influence the experience at one of Germany's leading theme parks.

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