Parc Astérix Opens Its Doors: 14,000 Visitors from Secours Populaire Experience the "Day of the Forgotten"

Friday, 01. September 2023

Thursday, 19. September 2024 at 19:11
Closed today
Sunny at 23,5 °C
No precipitation expected at the moment

In a remarkable act of solidarity, Parc Astérix once again highlighted its commitment to social responsibility. Together with the Secours populaire Français Fédération du Nord, the park launched the “Journée des Oubliés” (Day of the Forgotten). This initiative, rooted in the late 1970s, is dedicated to bringing joy to those often overshadowed during the holiday season.

Between August 21 and 25, 2023, the park's gates were wide open, offering 14,000 beneficiaries from Secours Populaire an unforgettable day. Guests immersed themselves in the magical world of the Gauls, experiencing a day filled with excitement and adventure. They enjoyed breathtaking rides, captivating shows, and close encounters with iconic comic characters. And, as an added treat, they returned with bags full of stories to share with their classmates after the summer holidays.

Parc Astérix's mission is clear: Recreation should be accessible to everyone. Guy Vassel, the Deputy General Director of Parc Astérix, summed it up: "As one of the country's most popular amusement parks, we see it as our duty to provide entertainment and joy for everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances."

This commitment powerfully illustrates how businesses and social organizations can work hand in hand to make summer a touch more magical for everyone.

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