Parc Astérix: Europe's Top Awarded Amusement Park in 2023

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Amidst the tumultuous tides of amusement park successes, Parc Astérix emerges as the undisputed jewel of the industry. In 2023, the park has cemented its position at the pinnacle with a series of esteemed accolades highlighting its prowess in innovation, commitment, and unparalleled visitor experience.

Rise to Europe's Best Large Park

At the recent grand ceremony hosted by IAPPA* Europe in Vienna, the park was bestowed with the "Best Large Park of the Year" title. This spotlighted it amongst the Park World Excellence Awards, crowning it as Europe's best park of the year.

As if that wasn't commendable enough, Parksmania, at a separate event in Movieland, Italy, also acknowledged Parc Astérix's exceptional performance, awarding it the title of "European Park of the Year".

Leading in Innovation

What's notably impressive is the park's ability to consistently lead on the technological frontier. This is particularly reflected in its latest attraction, the Toutatis roller coaster. This groundbreaking addition was acknowledged at the European Star Awards as the "Best New Coaster".

Furthermore, Parc Astérix has made a name for itself in digital spheres. The Métatoutatis project, launched in April 2023 in partnership with the Steve and Gamersorigin agencies, not only clinched one but three awards from Stratégies, the leading magazine for communication and marketing professionals. The accolades included the Grand Prix Stratégies for "Customer Experience", the Golden Award for "Brand Activation Campaign", and the Golden Award for "Web 3.0 Experience". With Métatoutatis, Parc Astérix demonstrates its forward-thinking vision by venturing into the metaverse.

A Park with an Unparalleled Vision

Delphine Pons, the Managing Director of Parc Astérix, expressed her elation and pride over the park's accomplishments: "Recognition from such esteemed institutions showcases our constant efforts to excel in all domains, from innovations to customer experience."

It's evident that Parc Astérix is not just a place of amusement, but a park with a clear vision and the ambition to shine in all aspects. These recent accolades are a testament to the meticulous planning and investment by Compagnie des Alpes, the powerhouse behind Parc Astérix's success.

In Conclusion

In an ever-evolving amusement park industry, Parc Astérix has distinguished itself through its innovations, commitment, and continuous pursuit of excellence. As Europe's top-awarded amusement park of the year 2023, it doesn't just set the bar, but redefines what's possible in the world of amusement parks.

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