LEGOLAND® Billund on the Path to Sustainability: Testing an Innovative Digital Deposit System

Monday, 16. October 2023, 10:06

Friday, 20. September 2024 at 02:49
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With ever-growing environmental challenges, companies worldwide are being compelled to implement innovative and sustainable solutions. One of the most renowned amusement parks, LEGOLAND® Billund, has recognized this imperative and is trialing a groundbreaking digital deposit system during the autumn holidays. This system has the potential to substantially reduce the usage of disposable cups within the park.

A New Chapter in Environmental Protection

The Captain Rogers restaurant in LEGOLAND® Billund has initiated a program that could significantly enhance the park's eco-friendliness. During the autumn holidays, guests opting for a meal at lunchtime pay an additional fee of 20 DKK. This charge serves as a deposit, refundable upon returning the cup to the designated machine. Jes Dahlmann, responsible for Food & Beverage procurement at LEGOLAND, expresses optimism: "Should this system prove successful, we might consider implementing it across the park, thereby contributing meaningfully to the reduction of disposable packaging."

The Technology Behind the Deposit System

The technological expertise for this project is provided by a company named Cirqle. Each cup is equipped with a chip that tracks its journey from issuance to return and reuse. Not only does this facilitate a hassle-free deposit refund, but it also enables precise tracking of the cup's lifecycle. Jan Weber, CEO of Cirqle, emphasizes the system's significance: "With this chip, we can monitor the number of reuses, track any losses, and accurately compute the CO2 savings of the project."

Flexibility and Customer Feedback

A central concern is the system's ease of use for park visitors. For guests without a payment card, Captain Rogers offers a straightforward refund alternative. Dahlmann points out that the international clientele of LEGOLAND has thus far responded very positively to the initiative.

To further refine the system, user surveys are being conducted throughout the test phase. Such feedback will offer valuable insights before contemplating a park-wide introduction of the system.

Summary and Outlook

With this digital deposit system trial, LEGOLAND® Billund is positioning itself as a pioneer in the field of sustainability. It exemplifies how major enterprises can actively work towards reducing their ecological footprint. If the trial proves successful, this system could soon be found in numerous recreational facilities worldwide. It demonstrates that, with technological advancement and commitment, significant strides toward a more sustainable future can be achieved within the leisure sector.

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