Europa-Park - VirtualLine LIVE

Save time and experience Europa-Park (Germany) with VirtualLine! The virtual queue for selected attractions allows you to gain fast and uncomplicated access to the most popular attractions. As a free additional offer with limited capacity, VirtualLine offers a unique experience that saves you from queue and makes your visit to Europa-Park (Germany) even more enjoyable.

Tuesday, 25. March 2025 at 19:12
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
Cloudy at 13,1 °C
No rainfall at the moment
Attraction Next slot
blue fire Megacoaster
Piraten in Batavia
Voltron Nevera
Wasserachterbahn Poseidon
WODAN - Timburcoaster
All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.
Data status as of 25.03.2025 at 18:15
Europa-Park - TOP5 of the current waiting times
Attraction Course Daily schedule Waiting time
Alpine Coaster "Enzian" Daily schedule Daily schedule
Arena of Football Daily schedule Daily schedule
ARTHUR Daily schedule Daily schedule
Atlantica SuperSplash Daily schedule Daily schedule
Atlantis Adventure Daily schedule Daily schedule
All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.
Data status as of 25.03.2025 at 18:15
    Currently no seats
    Today no more seats
    Not available today