Ukrainian Folklore in the Heart of Germany: Cem Özdemir Charmed by Barvinok at Europa-Park

Friday, 11. August 2023

Monday, 31. March 2025 at 23:53
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
Mostly cloudy at 7 °C
No rainfall at the moment

On a sunny day, the 9th of August 2023, the Piazza of the "Colosseo" hotel in Europa-Park became a stage for vibrant Ukrainian traditions. The Barvinok folklore dance group, consisting of 48 passionate young artists aged 10 to 15 from Vinnytsia, filled the square with captivating dances and melodies from their homeland.
The Barvinok school, founded in 1984, has not only made a name for itself in its home country of Ukraine but also in Europe with its impressive performances. This special visit to Rust is not a one-time event; the ensemble has been visiting Europa-Park for years and regularly attracts numerous spectators with their performances.
Among the enthusiastic audience was Federal Minister Cem Özdemir. He praised the performance and emphasized the deep bond between Germany and Ukraine, saying, "A nation that defends its freedom and sovereignty with such passion cannot be broken by any power in this world."
As a sign of friendship and appreciation, he received a traditional Ukrainian bread from the young artists. Roland Mack, who has long supported the group, was also present and received heartfelt thanks.
After their impressive performance in Germany, the group will continue their tour in France. However, they will soon return to Europa-Park to be thrilled by its numerous attractions and themed areas. Wherever Barvinok performs, their talent and passion are infectious and leave a lasting impression.

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