"Stéphane à l'Ouest": A Humorous Exploration of the German-French Border Region

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In the world of entertainment, there's always something new on the horizon. A special highlight is presented by Europa-Park in collaboration with MACK Magic: the new web series "Stéphane à l'Ouest", humorously delving into the cultural nuances of the German-French border region.

From Park Entertainer to Web Star: Who is Stéphane Bulcourt?

For nearly three decades, Stéphane Bulcourt, also known as "Monsieur Catastrophe", has been delighting visitors of Europa-Park. Whether during the hot months in the Spanish Arena or the cozy winter evenings at the Europa-Park Dinner Show - the charismatic artist knows how to make the audience laugh. His distinctive style and keen sense of comedy have garnered him a loyal fan base, eagerly awaiting his latest adventures in the web series.

"Stéphane à l'Ouest": A Humorous Journey through Cultural Peculiarities

MACK Magic, renowned for their innovative entertainment formats, has secured Stéphane Bulcourt as the lead for "Stéphane à l'Ouest". In this series, the border region between Germany and France is explored in an entertaining manner. The focus is on the cultural idiosyncrasies and characteristics that both distinguish and unite the two countries. Bulcourt's humorous takes promise insights that are both informative and entertaining.

The premiere episode, "STÉPHANE À L'OUEST – NOTHING NEW IN THE EAST", serves as a brilliant kickoff. Here, viewers witness Bulcourt learning about his new role as the host. A promising start that piques interest for the forthcoming episodes.

French Flair Meets German Subtitles

A distinct feature of the series is its bilingual nature. Filmed in French, German subtitles ensure that a wider audience can follow Bulcourt's comedic escapades. This forms a bridge between the cultures, not only in content but also linguistically.

Regular Release and Access

"Stéphane à l'Ouest" is released every six weeks on VEEJOY, a platform for premium series. Enthusiasts can dive into the first episode here.


The collaboration between Europa-Park, MACK Magic, and Stéphane Bulcourt promises to be an entertaining experience for all those interested in cultural explorations and humorous performances. "Stéphane à l'Ouest" is more than just a web series – it's a humorous tribute to the German-French border region and its rich cultural tapestry.

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