Safety Turnaround in Europa-Park: Why Real Staff Now Patrol the Haunted House

Saturday, 06. January 2024, 16:53

Saturday, 21. September 2024 at 16:03
Open from 09:00 to 20:00
Sunny at 23,2 °C
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This winter, visitors wandering through the dim halls of the Haunted House are in for an unusual encounter: real staff members strategically placed among the spooky attractions. This, however, is not a new ghostly trick but part of a comprehensive safety strategy implemented following two devastating fires recently.

Focus on Fire Safety: Why Now?

The Haunted House, a classic attraction of Europa-Park since its inauguration in 1982, is on the brink of a pivotal change. Nearly four decades after opening, it's time to revise and strengthen its fire prevention measures. The necessity for these measures is underscored by two major fires recently: the loss of “Pirates in Batavia” and part of the Scandinavian themed area in 2018, and the fire in the “Magic World of Diamonds” in 2023, which damaged parts of the “Alpenexpress” and the “Tyrolean Log Flume.”

The role of additional staff

Anticipating the comprehensive renovation work set to begin immediately after the winter season, Europa-Park has proactively stationed additional staff in the Haunted House. These employees are responsible not only for supervision but also play a crucial role in preparing for the renovation. Their tasks include conducting fire safety inspections and checking the fire alarm systems while the attraction is operational. They ensure that all safety precautions are in place and that visitors can continue to enjoy the haunted house while improvements to safety standards are underway in the background.

Renovation for the Future: Going Beyond the Necessary

The planned modernization of the haunted house aims to go far beyond basic requirements. The initiative for these extensive refurbishment measures, which significantly enhance the safety of the attraction, comes from the amusement park itself. It reflects a deep sense of responsibility towards park visitors and a proactive approach to safety standards.

Long-term impact on Europa-Park

This investment in safety and prevention marks a significant step for Europa-Park, which has established itself as one of Europe's leading amusement parks. The measures demonstrate a strong commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of visitors. This proactive approach not only positions the park as a place of entertainment but also as a pioneer in safety management in the amusement park industry.

The presence of additional staff in Europa-Park's Haunted House is a clear indication that safety and prevention are top priorities. While visitors continue to experience the thrill and excitement of the attraction, they can rest assured that everything is being done behind the scenes to ensure their safety. The upcoming renovation works on the Haunted House are a decisive step into the future, establishing Europa-Park not just as a place of joy but also of safety.

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