Police Rescue Dog from Overheated Car in Rust

Friday, 26. July 2024, 12:36

Monday, 16. September 2024 at 21:10
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On Thursday afternoon, security staff at Europa-Park discovered a ten-month-old poodle locked inside a VW bus in a campsite parking lot. Despite slightly open windows, the temperature inside the vehicle, which was parked in the sun, rose to nearly 50 degrees Celsius. The alerted security service, police, and company fire brigade quickly rescued and provided first aid to the heavily panting and water-deprived animal. The dog owner now faces charges.

Drama at the Europa-Park Campsite

A dramatic incident unfolded at the Europa-Park campsite on Thursday afternoon. Security staff discovered a ten-month-old poodle locked inside a VW bus. The outside temperature was around 28 degrees Celsius, but the slightly open windows of the vehicle offered little ventilation.

Swift Action by Rescue Teams

Europa-Park's security service acted quickly, immediately alerting the police and the company fire brigade when the animal was discovered around 5 PM. Inside the vehicle, the temperature was measured at nearly 50 degrees Celsius – a life-threatening situation for the young poodle.

Rescue Measures for the Animal

The heavily panting and water-deprived animal was promptly freed from the overheated vehicle. The initial first aid provided on site was effective, making further veterinary treatment unnecessary.

Consequences for the Dog Owner

The dog owner, who had left the animal in this dangerous situation, now faces charges. The incident highlights the dangers posed to animals in locked vehicles during high temperatures.

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