Peter Gaymann's Drawings at Europa-Park: Exhibition Extended Until April

Monday, 18. March 2024, 11:44

Sunday, 22. September 2024 at 19:26
Open from 09:00 to 20:00
Mostly cloudy at 19 °C
Rainy from 8:25 p.m

The exhibition “Da lachen ja die Hühner” at Europa-Park, showcasing over 80 original works and signed prints by renowned cartoonist Peter Gaymann, has proven so popular that its duration has been extended until April 28, 2024. This offers art enthusiasts and park visitors additional opportunities to explore Gaymann's creative oeuvre.

Overview of the Exhibition

Centered in the blue fire Dome of Europa-Park, the exhibition under the telling title “Da lachen ja die Hühner” presents a comprehensive collection of Peter Gaymann's works. Originating from Freiburg and now living near Munich, the artist has made a name for himself, especially with his characteristic chicken drawings. The extension of the exhibition until the end of April follows the positive response from visitors since its opening on March 23.

Contents of the Exhibition

Thematically, the exhibition covers a wide range, including “Typically Baden,” “Relationships,” “Freiburg,” and “Food and Drink.” Beyond the original drawings, the exhibition includes additional highlights such as a Fiat 500 artistically designed by Gaymann and a two-meter-tall egg, which the artist painted together with children. Suspended flying chickens and numerous large displays featuring Gaymann's signature drawings also catch the visitors' attention.

Background information on Peter Gaymann

Asked about his relationship with food and drink, Gaymann responds with a twinkle in his eye about his positive attitude towards food, shaped by his mother's cooking skills. He describes the story of his chicken drawings as a long love affair that began in the 1980s and extended across various publications, with the chicken always at the center.

Significance and Impact of the Exhibition

The exhibition attracts a wide range of visitors and fosters an interest in art and culture. It reflects the versatility of Peter Gaymann's artistic work and contributes to an enriching experience at Europa-Park.


The exhibition “Da lachen ja die Hühner” at Europa-Park not only offers a unique opportunity to view Peter Gaymann's work up close, but also highlights the importance of cultural offerings in amusement parks. With the extension until the end of April, visitors have additional time to be inspired by the humorous and thoughtful drawings.

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