Innovative Employee Health in Focus: Europa-Park Receives Prestigious Recognition

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In the heart of Europe, Europa-Park is setting new standards in corporate health promotion. Known for its impressive attractions, the amusement park has now earned itself another special distinction: the certification as a “Healthy Employer”. This recognition underscores the park's exceptional commitment to the well-being of its staff.

Commitment to Health: More Than Just an Initiative

Five years ago, the transformation of Europa-Park began under the leadership of Miriam Mack. Her goal: to implement a comprehensive health management system for nearly 5,000 employees. Today, the park offers a diverse program that focuses on both the physical and mental health of its employees.

Comprehensive Health Program: From Workshops to Health Scans

The range of offerings is impressive: nutritional workshops educate about healthy lifestyles, while medical screenings such as liver and kidney scans proactively identify health risks. Moreover, special seminars for caregiving relatives are offered, highlighting the park's appreciation for its employees' work-life balance.

Individual Care: Key to Success

A central aspect of the program is the individual attention given to each employee. Mack's team addresses the specific needs of each individual, providing tailored support. This approach not only enhances physical health but also mental well-being.

Recognition by Experts: The “Healthy Employer” Award

The Corporate Health Alliance has acknowledged Europa-Park's efforts by awarding it the “Healthy Employer” certificate. This honor follows the earlier achievement of the Corporate Health Award in the Excellence Class, affirming the company's long-term commitment in this area.

Sustainable Investment in Employee Well-being

Miriam Mack emphasizes that these awards confirm the successful and sustainable work in corporate health management within the family-run Europa-Park. The “Healthy Employer” certification highlights the importance the company places on the health of its employees.

Looking to the Future: New Corporate Health Center

In 2024, Europa-Park plans to further expand its efforts. A new health center is being established in the 4-Star Superior Hotel Bell Rock, offering a wide range of health services to provide even more comprehensive support to the park's employees.

Conclusion: A Role Model in the Amusement Park Industry

Europa-Park impressively demonstrates how companies can contribute to the health of their employees through targeted corporate health management measures, while also enhancing their attractiveness as employers. The “Healthy Employer” award is a milestone that acknowledges the exemplary work of the park and serves as an incentive to continue on the path taken.

With these innovative approaches, Europa-Park positions itself as a leader in the amusement park industry, proving that commitment to employee well-being is a key component of long-term business success.

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