How Five Simple Rules Keep Body and Mind Fit

Tuesday, 21. May 2024, 14:28

Monday, 23. September 2024 at 09:32
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
Rain at 15,5 °C
Rain around 10:15 a.m. until around 10:25 a.m

Jean-Pierre Bringhen, a renowned mental coach and hypnotherapist, presented five essential rules for mental and physical fitness during Marianne Mack's lecture series “New Perspectives” at Europa-Park. Before an audience of around 400 guests, he explained how water, self-acceptance, perspective shifts, living in the moment, and the courage to start anew can enhance the quality of life.

Five Rules for Well-being

Jean-Pierre Bringhen, with over 55 years of experience in neuroscience and as a mental coach for top athletes, shared an evening full of insights with the audience at Europa-Park. The focus was on five central rules that can sustainably change life.

The Importance of Water

Bringhen began his lecture with the first rule: the essential role of water. Water is the element without which life would not be possible. It has over 40 properties that science cannot fully explain. In winter, the water at the bottom of a lake remains warmer, allowing fish and plants to survive. “Water protects life,” he emphasized. The human body consists largely of water, especially the brain, which is 92% water. People should drink about three percent of their body weight in water daily. The guests received a bottle of water, drank it mindfully, and experienced the importance of this element firsthand.

Self-Acceptance and Perspective Shifts

The second rule was: “Follow your path and accept yourself as you are.” Self-acceptance is the key to a fulfilling life. The third rule encouraged seeing life differently, changing habits, and directing perception positively. These changes can lead to a new, better sense of life.

Living in the Now

“The heart is the intelligence of love,” Bringhen explained the fourth rule. Love is exclusively connected to the present moment. Living in the present can reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Bringhen urged the audience to focus on the here and now and live consciously.

The Courage to Start Anew

The fifth and final rule addressed starting anew. Each person must decide for themselves whether and how to take a new path. It requires courage to leave familiar habits, but it can be the key to personal growth and satisfaction.

An Evening Full of Insights

Jean-Pierre Bringhen's lecture left a lasting impression on the approximately 400 guests. Through many experiments, he illustrated how the brain and perception work and how they can sometimes deceive us. Marianne Mack thanked Bringhen warmly. The donations of the evening support children and families in need through the “Santa Isabel e.V. - Help for Children and Families” foundation.

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