“Grand Prix of Europe” brings a fast-paced animated adventure featuring the Europa-Park mascots Ed and Edda to the big screen. Scheduled for release on July 24, 2025, in Germany, Austria, and the German-speaking parts of Switzerland, the film promises humorous action, endearing characters, and an engaging story. The recently released teaser trailer offers a first look at a movie that’s set to captivate Europa-Park fans and cinema-goers alike.
The Story: Edda's Dream of Racing
At the heart of the story is Edda, the daughter of carnival operator Erwin, who dreams of becoming a race car driver. When the 50th European Grand Prix approaches, Edda seizes the opportunity to meet her idol Ed while also striving to save her father's struggling business. Combining adventurous humor with thrilling racing action, the film is crafted to entertain audiences of all ages.
One of the film's standout features is its stellar voice cast. Musician Jan Delay lends his distinctive voice to the character Enzo, adding an extra layer of charm to the production.
A Milestone for Europa-Park
“Grand Prix of Europe” arrives just in time for Europa-Park’s 50th anniversary. Since its founding in 1975, the park has evolved from a regional destination to one of Europe’s most-visited amusement parks, attracting over six million visitors annually. The story of Ed and Edda reflects the park’s innovative spirit and longstanding commitment to creativity and excellence.
High-Caliber International Production
The film is a co-production between MACK Magic and Warner Bros. Pictures Germany, spearheaded by Michael Mack, managing partner of Europa-Park. It is being produced at the renowned MACK Animation studios in Hannover, a leading European animation studio known for successful titles such as “Animals United” and the “Happy Family” franchise.
The film is directed by Waldemar Fast, a seasoned filmmaker with over 20 years of experience in animation. Supported by the German Federal Film Fund (DFFF), the project has attracted international partners including Timeless Films, KMBO in France, and Viva Kids in North America. Warner Bros. Pictures Germany handles distribution in German-speaking regions, while Timeless Films manages international sales.
A Unique Project by MACK Magic
Founded by Michael Mack, MACK Magic specializes in creating transmedia storytelling universes. The company combines the expertise of a 245-year-old family business with cutting-edge creativity and technology. “Grand Prix of Europe” represents another milestone for MACK Magic, known for its innovative ventures such as the Rulantica water world and media projects that have captivated fans worldwide.
A Look Behind the Scenes
The lovingly animated film is penned by renowned writers Kirstie Falkous, John Reynolds, Jeff Hylton, and Ben Safier. With detailed animations and a humorous storyline, the movie stands out as a unique addition to the animation genre. Its relatable characters and engaging plot promise to win over audiences young and old.
Teaser Now Available
The official teaser is now live on the
VEEJOY platform, offering a sneak peek into the film’s fast-paced racing scenes, charming characters, and lighthearted moments. This preview makes it clear why the film is poised to be a highlight of the 2025 summer movie season.
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