Germany's Largest Solar Car Park Project: Europa-Park Sets New Standards in Energy Generation

Thursday, 28. December 2023, 13:24

Saturday, 21. September 2024 at 17:35
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With the construction of Germany's largest photovoltaic car park installation in Kippenheim, close to the popular amusement park, Europa-Park is spearheading a green revolution in renewable energy. Despite the innovative steps towards sustainability, the park also faces critical voices.

A Solar Project of Monumental Size

In the heart of Baden-Württemberg, in the small town of Kippenheim with 5,600 residents, a project of impressive scale is taking shape: On an area of about 20 hectares, equivalent to 28 football fields, around 50,000 solar modules are being installed. This facility, being built on the parking lot of the automotive logistics company Mosolf, will not only provide shade for approximately 8,000 parking spaces but also become a hub for power generation.

Europa-Park will draw half of the electricity generated by this facility from 2025 onwards. Florian Kornprobst, a spokesperson for Europa-Park, emphasizes the significance of this project and its contribution to supplying the park with renewable energy.

Europa-Park: A Green Dream Becomes Reality

Europa-Park's commitment to ecology and sustainability is evident through this project. The car park PV facility, set to start operating in autumn 2024, could generate enough energy to exclusively power the entire park with renewable electricity in the summer. The annual electricity production is estimated to be around 25 gigawatt-hours.

Interestingly, the electricity will be fed into the public grid, which then supplies the Europa-Park Adventure Resort, with plans to utilize energy storage systems in the future. These are intended to meet the demand for renewable energy during less sunny months and at night.

Mosolf's Commitment to Renewable Energy

The project in Kippenheim is not Mosolf's only initiative of this kind. In Rackwitz, Saxony, another large solar facility is being constructed, encompassing about 35,000 modules that will cover approximately 6,000 parking spaces. These investments underline Mosolf's efforts to utilize renewable energy on a large scale.

Criticism from BUND

Despite the apparent commitment to sustainability, Europa-Park faces criticism. The German Association for Environmental and Nature Conservation (BUND) expresses concerns about the park's land and water consumption. Stefan Auchter, the director of the BUND's Regional Association of the Southern Upper Rhine, points out that true sustainability must go beyond economic interests. In particular, the water consumption of the Rulantica water world and its impact on local groundwater levels are viewed critically.

Sustainable Measures at Europa-Park

Besides the new PV installation, Europa-Park has already installed its own photovoltaic systems. For example, the Rulantica water world is partially covered with solar panels, and photovoltaic modules are also found above the pedestrian paths of the visitor parking lot. The park also operates a heat pump, a hydroelectric power station on the Elz river, and combined heat and power plants, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable energy sources.

Between Image and Reality

While Europa-Park positions itself as an environmentally conscious company through these projects, Auchter emphasizes that true sustainability must encompass more than just economically viable measures. Although initiatives like using LED lights and electric vehicles for staff are commendable, they are also part of today's standard.

A Look into the Future

The solar car park project in Kippenheim marks a significant step towards more sustainable amusement parks. It illustrates how innovative energy projects can be aligned with economic interests. At the same time, it indicates that there is still much room for improvement in terms of environmental protection and sustainable operation. For Europa-Park, it remains both a challenge and an opportunity to solidify and expand its position as a leader in the sustainable amusement park industry.

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