German-Croatian Student Exchange at Europa-Park

Thursday, 20. June 2024, 15:46

Monday, 23. September 2024 at 17:22
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
Rain at 15,5 °C
Rain break around 5:55 p.m

A class from the Croatian island of Hvar and 20 eighth-grade students from the Grund- und Gemeinschaftsschule Rust met at Europa-Park for a special exchange. In the “Croatian Inspiration” exhibition, the students presented significant inventions and innovations from their countries through self-created art.

Exploration and Culture at Europa-Park

The Croatian students were invited by the Mack family for a three-day visit to Europa-Park to better understand German culture. They explored the new Croatia-themed area, enjoyed over 100 shows and attractions, and visited the Rulantica water world. During a joint rally, the students also learned about other European countries and received an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the park.

Cultural Presentation and Enthusiasm

Miriam Mack emphasized the importance of the new Croatia-themed area: “It is close to my heart to bring the diversity of Croatia closer to our visitors. I am delighted to see how enthusiastic everyone is about the 'Croatian Inspiration' exhibition and the new 'Voltron Nevera powered by Rimac' roller coaster.”

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