From the North Cape to Europa-Park: Jens Blatter's Charity Marathon

Monday, 15. July 2024, 10:18

Monday, 23. September 2024 at 21:25
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
Cloudy at 13,9 °C
No precipitation expected at the moment

On July 12, 2024, the Jens Blatter Charity Marathon reached Europa-Park, part of an impressive journey from the North Cape to SaasFee, Wallis. The marathon aims to raise funds for children and families in need.

Milestones of the Charity Marathon

The charity marathon started on June 30, 2024, at the North Cape. The route covered a distance of approximately 3,600 kilometers, with average daily stages of 250 kilometers. Participants overcame a total of about 35,000 meters in elevation gain. On July 12, 2024, Jens Blatter and his team, consisting of 19 athletes and 40 helpers, arrived at Europa-Park. The final destination is on July 14, 2024, in SaasFee, Wallis.

Support for a Good Cause

For 20 years, Jens Blatter has organized the charity marathon, which has supported numerous children's aid projects. This year, the collected donations will benefit children and families in need in the canton of Wallis. Blatter emphasized the significance of the marathon: “We are very pleased to be here and to be able to ride our bikes through the park – a unique experience.”

An Unforgettable Stop at Europa-Park

During their stay at Europa-Park, the participants stayed at the Camp Resort and enjoyed dinner at the Silver Lake Saloon. The park offered a welcome break on their demanding route and allowed the athletes to recharge.

Long-Term Impact and Achievements

The marathon aims not only to provide immediate support to families in need, but also to increase awareness and support for projects such as the Eduplex School in Pretoria. These long-term effects are an essential part of the philosophy of Jens Blatter and his team.

The Significance of 20 Years of Commitment

This year's marathon marks the 20th anniversary of this initiative. Over the past two decades, countless children's aid projects have been supported, and thousands of kilometers have been covered. Jens Blatter and his team continuously strive to ensure that many more children and families will benefit from these efforts in the future.

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