From Monastery to Roller Coaster: Clerics Experience Thrills at Europa-Park

Thursday, 06. June 2024, 13:52

Monday, 23. September 2024 at 14:27
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
Rain at 18,3 °C
Still rain

On June 3, 2024, Europa-Park owner Roland Mack welcomed Abbot Christian Meyer from the Benedictine Abbey of Engelberg and former circus and Europa-Park chaplain Ernst Heller for a special visit to the amusement park. They were accompanied by Abbess Rut-Marie Buschor and Prioress Gabriela Fleischer from the now-closed Benedictine Convent of St. Andreas in Sarnen. The group enjoyed an unforgettable day at Europa-Park, particularly in the new Croatia-themed area, which impressed with its meticulous design.

Impressive Croatia Section

The clerics and their hosts, the Mack family, were particularly taken with the authentic replicas and architecture of the Croatia section. A highlight was the small stone chapel featuring a Madonna (Gospa) from the famous pilgrimage site of Medjugorje, which Abbot Christian Meyer consecrated on-site.

Adrenaline Rush on the Roller Coaster

In addition to cultural enrichment, there was no shortage of thrills: the new roller coaster "Voltron Nevera powered by Rimac" delighted the guests and left a lasting impression. This modern attraction, named after the Croatian hypercar manufacturer, offered the clerics a ride full of excitement and joy.

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