Farewell to a VR Era: Europa-Park Ends the “Valerian” Experience at Eurosat Coastiality

Tuesday, 02. January 2024, 17:03

Saturday, 21. September 2024 at 16:38
Open from 09:00 to 20:00
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The popular virtual reality attraction Eurosat Coastiality, inspired by Luc Besson's sci-fi movie “Valerian - The City of a Thousand Planets,” will open its doors for the last time on January 7, 2024. This marks the end of a remarkable era in VR entertainment and the beginning of a new chapter in the park's history.

The Journey of Eurosat Coastiality

Introduced in 2018, Eurosat Coastiality has taken thousands of visitors on an exhilarating journey into the world of space agent Valerian. The ride, combining a covered roller coaster with VR headsets, offered an immersive experience unrivaled in the amusement park industry. The attraction used the same track as the regular Eurosat roller coaster and was themed around the Parisian nightclub Moulin Rouge, providing a unique blend of physical and virtual experiences.

A Bold Move Despite Film Flops

The decision to develop a VR attraction based on “Valerian,” a movie that was commercially unsuccessful in 2017, showcased Europa-Park's courage and commitment to innovation. The connection between director Luc Besson and the Mack family, the operators of the park, played a significant role in realizing this project. Despite the challenges, the attraction proved popular among park visitors.

The Future of VR in Europa-Park

With the closure of Eurosat Coastiality, Europa-Park is preparing to introduce new VR experiences. Park director Michael Mack has hinted that exciting innovations in this area are planned for 2024. This development underscores the park's commitment to offering innovative and captivating experiences.

Challenges and Opportunities

The closure of Eurosat Coastiality is not the only setback for the park in terms of VR attractions. The second VR roller coaster, Alpenexpress Coastiality, has been out of operation since June 2023 due to a fire. These events present challenges for the park but also opportunities to reshape and enhance its VR offerings.

Farewell and a New Beginning

The closure of Eurosat Coastiality is a symbolic moment for Europa-Park. It's a farewell to a beloved attraction but also a step towards future innovations. The announcement of a new VR experience promises to raise the bar for amusement park entertainment and thrill visitors with unprecedented experiences.

The upcoming closure of Eurosat Coastiality at Europa-Park marks the end of a remarkable era and the beginning of an exciting new phase in the world of virtual reality. With its commitment to innovation and quality, Europa-Park remains at the forefront of the amusement park industry, promising its visitors unforgettable experiences.

In the realm of amusement parks, Europa-Park thus continues to be synonymous with constant renewal and exceptional experiences that attract and enchant visitors from all over the world.

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