Family Businesses in Focus: Michael Mack at the “Pioneer One-Talk” in Berlin

Tuesday, 26. September 2023

Friday, 20. September 2024 at 00:05
Open from 09:00 to 18:30
Clear at 13,3 °C
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Berlin, this weekend - Under the bright sunshine, the media ship "The Pioneer One" sets sail, a place for exchange and reflection. On the occasion of the kickoff to the dm-Future Week, Michael Mack, Managing Partner of Europa-Park, offered valuable insights into the world of family businesses. The talk took place within the 50th-anniversary celebration of dm-drogerie markt, a cooperation partner of Europa-Park.

Strengths and Challenges of Family Businesses

During the talk, Michael Mack emphasized the central role of grown entrepreneurship and courage for innovation in the history of Europa-Park. The careful analysis of market opportunities and the willingness to venture new paths have significantly shaped operational decisions over the past decades.

“It is crucial to preserve tradition while embracing innovations,” Mack states. This principle is also underlined by the consistent expansion of the hotel industry in Europa-Park, resulting in the largest contiguous hotel resort in Germany.

Expansion and Awards

The persistent focus on innovation and further development culminated in the opening of the water world Rulantica and the Virtual-Reality-Experience YULLBE, additional milestones in the company’s history. In August, the German Centre for Tourism also named Europa-Park the most popular attraction in Germany, an acknowledgment highlighting the park's appeal.

Sustainable Corporate Management

In addition to achievements and expansion, sustainable development was at the center of the discussion. As a company over 240 years old, the Mack family is a model for sustainable corporate management. “Sustainability is firmly anchored in our DNA,” emphasizes Michael Mack, referring to the long-term and responsible corporate philosophy.

Key Insights and Conclusion

The discussion at the Pioneer One-Talk provided a comprehensive and in-depth examination of the specific challenges and opportunities faced by family businesses. The participants, including Bettina Countess Bernadotte and Christoph Werner, provided important impulses and shared experiences that can be beneficial for many entrepreneurs and executives.

Overall, the Pioneer One-Talk impressively demonstrated that tradition and innovation do not have to be opposites but can complement each other to ensure long-term success and stability in a constantly changing market environment. The success story of Europa-Park under the leadership of the Mack family is a shining example of this.

The final applause on the sunny deck of "The Pioneer One" not only honors the speakers but also the enduring relevance and the continuous dynamics of family businesses in today’s economic world.

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