Europa-Park on the Move: Johannes Fechner Explores New Developments

Thursday, 12. October 2023

Friday, 20. September 2024 at 00:40
Open from 09:00 to 18:30
Clear at 12,6 °C
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Europa-Park in Rust is recognized as one of Germany's most impressive amusement parks. But how does a political heavyweight respond to the park's latest expansions and innovations? Johannes Fechner, an SPD Member of the German Bundestag for the Emmendingen-Lahr constituency, took a behind-the-scenes look.

New Croatian Theme Area: A Cultural Addition

In an era where Europe's political borders are increasingly blurred, Europa-Park is making a statement of cultural diversity. With the 17th European theme area dedicated to Croatia, the park is adding another facet to its offerings. Fechner was impressed by the meticulous attention to detail and authenticity with which the Croatian heritage is portrayed.

Voltron Nevera: Technological Marvel in South Baden

The park is not only setting cultural standards but also technological ones. The roller coaster "Voltron Nevera powered by Rimac" is nearing its completion. Fechner got a sneak peek at the coaster, which will soon rank among the most modern of its kind. With cutting-edge technology and a unique design, it's set to thrill not just roller coaster enthusiasts.

Renovation Works in Austria: Swift Progress

Another focal point of the visit was the renovation efforts in the Austrian-themed area. Following recent damages, the park is showcasing its efficiency and dedication in restoring its attractions. Fechner's astonishment at the rapid pace of the work was evident.

Politics Meets Business: A Conversation with Roland Mack

Amid all the leisure entertainment, there was also room for serious dialogue. Roland Mack, owner of Europa-Park, and Fechner discussed pressing business issues. The skilled labor shortage and the debate around value-added tax in the hospitality sector took center stage in their discussions.

Conclusion: Bridging Politics and Entertainment

Johannes Fechner's visit to Europa-Park was more than just an exploration into the world of leisure entertainment. It was a testament to the close ties between politics and business. Engaging discussions between political decision-makers and industry leaders are invaluable for balanced and informed policymaking. It will be intriguing to see how Fechner's insights from the visit influence his political work. One thing remains constant: Europa-Park in Rust will continue to shine as a beacon of innovation and culture in Germany.

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