Europa-Park Fan Meeting: Attendees Suffer from Gastrointestinal Infection

Monday, 17. June 2024, 10:13

Monday, 23. September 2024 at 14:26
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
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At a fan meeting last weekend at Europa-Park, numerous attendees suffered from a gastrointestinal infection. Many reported symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting.

Infections After a Fan Meeting

On June 14 and 15, Europa-Park hosted the official fan meeting, organized by Europa-Park and various fan clubs. After the event, many attendees reported symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and others.

Spread and Symptoms

Initially, children were affected, followed by adults experiencing similar symptoms. At the park's reception, those affected learned that multiple attendees had the same complaints. Reports of the illnesses increased in the forums.

Reactions from Attendees

Affected participants described vomiting that persisted into the early morning hours, preventing them from even drinking small amounts of water. The park's medical staff specifically asked if they had attended the fan meeting.

Early departures from the event

Some attendees had to leave the event early due to their symptoms, spending sleepless nights. They reported staying awake through the night and having difficult journeys home.

Unknown Cause

The exact cause of the illnesses is currently unknown and remains speculative.

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