Europa-Park Experience Resort: Artistic Masterpiece – ART-BOULEVARD Triumphs at the German Design Award 2024

Thursday, 18. January 2024, 10:15

Sunday, 22. September 2024 at 01:01
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The Europa-Park Experience Resort has celebrated a remarkable triumph on the international stage. With the ART-BOULEVARD, an impressive collection of exhibits from the Art-Contest 2023, the resort won the coveted “Winner” accolade of the German Design Award 2024 in the category “Excellent Communications Design - Integrated Campaigns and Advertising.” This recognition distinguishes the project for its exceptional and exemplary design performance and highlights it as a gem in the blue fire Dome of the park.

Diversity of Talents: A Kaleidoscope of Creativity

From a pool of over 1,200 artistic contributions from across Europe, including France, Spain, England, Luxembourg, and Belgium, five winners and 95 outstanding works were selected and showcased in the Icelandic-themed area of the park. The artworks, divided into three age categories, demonstrate the impressive range and high level of creative potential fostered by Europa-Park. Roland Mack, the visionary owner of Europa-Park, shares his enthusiasm: “The diversity and quality of the submissions deeply impressed me. This award reflects the dedication and passion of our fans, who have proven themselves as true ambassadors of our brand.”

From Contest to Global Acclaim: A Stage for Creative Minds

Melanie Jurado-Helwig, the project manager of ART-BOULEVARD, emphasizes the emotional impact and significance of the artistic contributions. The decision to present these works to an international audience not only underscores the quality of the pieces, but also the profound appreciation for the artists: “The abundance of creativity and talent we have experienced was so overwhelming that it was clear: These artworks deserve a prominent platform.”

A Symbol of Global Design Excellence: The German Design Award

The German Design Award, bestowed by the German Design Council, is a symbol of excellence and innovation on a global level. The award, presented since 2012, annually showcases and honors outstanding achievements in product design, communication design, and architecture. This accolade is not just a benchmark for exceptional quality but also serves as a guidepost for the most important design trends worldwide.

A Triumph of Creativity

The recognition of ART-BOULEVARD at the German Design Award 2024 is an impressive affirmation of the creative vision and community-oriented philosophy of the Europa-Park Experience Resort. It vividly demonstrates that creativity, community spirit, and commitment can create a powerful synergy that goes far beyond the limits of a traditional amusement park. This acknowledgement is not just a victory for Europa-Park, but also a celebration of the art and culture that lives at the heart of the resort.

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