Europa-Park Chief Roland Mack in the Crossfire of Generations: A Struggle Over Work Ethics

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Amidst the picturesque setting of Rust, home to the family magnet Europa-Park, a debate is simmering over work ethics and generational differences. Roland Mack, the visionary leader of the amusement park and an icon in the German corporate world, has recently expressed his concerns about the work ethic of young people in an interview with Handelsblatt. These remarks reflect a profound conflict in the working world and shed light on the challenges faced by a traditional family business.

The Clash Between Tradition and Modernity

The seventh generation of the Mack family manages Europa-Park with a blend of tradition and innovation. However, the search for qualified personnel is becoming increasingly difficult. Roland Mack, 74 years old and armed with a wealth of experience, confronts the changed demands of young workers. The concept of “work-life balance”, often demanded in today's work environment, contradicts Mack's own experiences and beliefs.

Work-Life Balance: An Incomprehensible Concept for Mack

Mack expresses his incomprehension regarding the preference of many young people for part-time work. He recalls times when 70- to 80-hour weeks were the norm, typically without free weekends. This intensive work ethic was crucial for the establishment and success of Europa-Park. Mack is skeptical whether the current prosperity can be maintained with a reduced workweek of 28 hours, a view he shares with politician Günther Oettinger.

Skilled Labor Shortage as a Growing Concern

The lack of qualified skilled workers poses a real threat to the park. Mack finds himself forced to postpone two major hotel projects due to the uncertainty of having enough workforce for their operation. The park already employs many workers from Eastern Europe and invests in housing and infrastructure to meet the needs of its employees.

Flexibility and Benefits as a Response to Change

In response to the labor shortage and changing needs of the workforce, Europa-Park offers flexible working time models from which employees can choose. Despite rising wage costs, Mack strives to keep the park affordable for families while maintaining quality and excellent service.

Benefits and Attractive Working Conditions

Europa-Park tries to remain an appealing employer by offering attractive working conditions and benefits. These include free admission to attractions, discounted rates at park hotels, a healthy company kitchen, improved public transportation, and high-quality housing for employees.

A Call for Rethinking

Mack calls for a rethink concerning work-life balance. He believes that work should be enjoyable and that, when it is, the boundary between work and leisure blurs. He acknowledges the importance of understanding and respecting the perspective of the younger generation, even though his personal experiences differ.

Conclusion: Balancing Tradition and Modernity

Roland Mack faces the challenge of leading Europa-Park through a time of change. While he criticizes the work ethic of young people, he is also willing to adapt and offer flexible working conditions. His commitment to the family business and readiness to face new challenges show that he is prepared to guide the park into a successful future.

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