Europa-Park celebrates Europe Day with cultural diversity and new attractions

Friday, 10. May 2024, 10:47

Monday, 23. September 2024 at 06:30
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
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At Europa-Park Europe Day was celebrated on May 9 with a series of events that highlighted the cultural diversity of Europe and immersed visitors in the world of European unity.

Europe Day: A Symbol of Peace and Unity

Europe Day, celebrated annually on May 9, is an important date for promoting peace and unity in Europe. It marks the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration of 1950, in which Robert Schuman presented his vision for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, aimed at preventing conflicts and wars among European nations. This vision is considered the foundation of what is now the European Union.

Celebrations at Europa-Park

Europa-Park celebrated this special day with an impressive array of activities. Visitors were treated to splendid decorations in European colors adorning the pathways and rides of the park. Additionally, numerous walking acts and a parade in European style enhanced the guest experience. The TALENT ACADEMY contributed to the festive atmosphere with an art exhibition and a musical performance by the band “No Borders.” Information stands also provided ample opportunities to learn about the European Union and its significance.

Cultural and Playful Exploration of Europe

With its 17 European themed areas, Europa-Park offers visitors a unique opportunity to playfully explore the diverse cultures and traditions of Europe. The park's recent expansion to include a Croatian area featuring the new roller coaster "Voltron Nevera powered by Rimac" demonstrates the park's ongoing extension and adaptation to current European trends and developments. The park atmosphere is based on European values of respect, tolerance, openness, and equality.

Vision and Mission of Europa-Park

Roland Mack, owner of Europa-Park, emphasizes the importance of the park as a symbol of European unity and cooperation. “Europa-Park was created with the vision of European unity and cooperation among the countries of Europe, representing the cultural and geographical diversity of Europe. We live these values every day and welcome guests and employees from all over the world,” says Mack.

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