Europa-Park: A Quintessential Example of Social Commitment and Warmheartedness

Monday, 05. February 2024, 12:28

Sunday, 22. September 2024 at 08:33
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
Cloudy at 11,2 °C
No precipitation expected at the moment

In the realm of sustainability, the focus often leans towards ecological and economic aspects. However, social responsibility, a crucial pillar, is sometimes overshadowed. Europa-Park, since its inception in 1975, has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to social sustainability.

Free Entry to Europa-Park

The “Frohe Herzen” (Joyful Hearts) initiative has been a cornerstone of Europa-Park since the beginning. It allows individuals who face life's challenges to enjoy the park free of charge. This includes mentally and physically disabled children and youths, orphans, sick individuals, and retirees with limited income. More than a million visitors have benefited from this initiative, equivalent to over 30 million euros in value. The Mack family, founders of the park, emphasize the values of humility and groundedness, traits deeply ingrained in their heritage.

Aiding the Needy in the Region

Marianne and Mauritia Mack, spouses of Roland and Jürgen Mack, have established charitable organizations to extend their support. “Santa Isabel e.V.”, founded by Marianne Mack, aims to assist children and families burdened by hardship. “Einfach helfen e.V.”, established by Mauritia Mack, provides aid to locals affected by severe illnesses or life-altering circumstances.

Support for Children with Cancer

Since 1980, the “Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder Freiburg e.V.” has been instrumental in funding medical positions, research projects, and equipment. The organization also contributes significantly to the parents' house at the Cancer Children's Clinic. Roland Mack, as an honorary member, along with Europa-Park, has been actively involved in various fundraising events, significantly impacting the lives of young patients and their families.

Diverse Social Activities

Europa-Park's social engagement extends to numerous initiatives, including support for “Kinderherzen retten e.V.” in Freiburg. Since 2002, this organization has been dedicated to saving children with heart conditions from medically underdeveloped countries. Roland Mack, as the patron for the past two decades, has played a pivotal role in the success of this endeavor.

Millions for Social Causes

Since its establishment in 1975, Europa-Park has allocated substantial funds, running into tens of millions, for charitable purposes. Besides, the park actively promotes arts and cultural exchange. The park's social commitment reflects the heartfelt dedication of a family deeply rooted in its community.

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