Celebrations for German Unity Day at Europa-Park

Wednesday, 27. September 2023

Friday, 20. September 2024 at 00:05
Open from 09:00 to 18:30
Clear at 13,3 °C
No precipitation expected at the moment

On October 3, Germany commemorates the 33rd anniversary of the reunification of East and West. Europa-Park in Rust honors this historical moment with an array of activities that appeal to a wide audience.

Historical Trabi Exhibition

At the main entrance and along the Deutsche Allee, visitors can take a step back in time: A Trabi exhibition showcases the iconic cars of the GDR in all conceivable colors and shapes. This exhibit is a delight for vintage car enthusiasts, offering a colorful backdrop for memory photos.

Diverse Musical Program

Musical entertainment is also provided. In the German theme area, balloons and a musical Trabi enhance the festive atmosphere. A barrel organ orchestra brings traditional sounds to the park, while the “No Borders” band from the Talent Academy contributes modern rhythms on the Italian Open-Air Stage. Another highlight is the drum and percussion show “HOT SPOT” at the Schwarzwälder Vogtshaus.

The Trabi Parade: A Colorful Spectacle

Promptly at 5 pm, the Trabi Parade begins its journey. Starting at the “Euro-Mir”, it winds its way through the entire park. The colorful vehicles present an unusual sight and attract everyone's attention.

Concert Highlight with “Teddy & Band”

The musical climax of the day is the concert by “Teddy & Band”. From 6:30 pm, the greatest hits of Udo Jürgens fill the Europa-Park Teatro, ensuring a soulful end to the holiday.

Autumnal Decoration Sets the Tone

But it’s not just the activities that captivate the visitors. Europa-Park is adorned with 180,000 pumpkins and 100,000 autumn flowers. This splendid decoration contributes to the festive mood and transforms the park into an autumn idyll.

Final Thoughts

The celebrations for German Unity Day at Europa-Park offer something for every visitor. From the historical Trabi exhibition to diverse musical entertainment, the colorful Trabi parade, and the soulful concert – the day promises to be unforgettable. Amidst the autumnal floral splendor, this national holiday becomes a special experience that delights both young and old alike.

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