Blessings in the Amusement Park: How the Star Singers Enchanted Europa-Park

Monday, 08. January 2024, 11:46

Saturday, 21. September 2024 at 22:09
Open from 09:00 to 20:00
Clear at 15,3 °C
No precipitation expected at the moment

On January 7, 2024, Europa-Park witnessed an extraordinary event that transcended the usual roller coaster rides and shows. A group of Star Singers, children, and adolescents dressed as the Three Wise Men, visited the park to deliver blessings and set an impressive sign of solidarity and environmental protection.

Star Singers: An Old Tradition in a Modern Guise

The tradition of the Star Singing is deeply rooted in Germany, where children dressed as the Three Wise Men go from house to collect donations for charitable causes. In 2023, the Star Singers collected an impressive 45 million euros for children in need. The theme of the 66th Star Singing campaign of the Children's Missionary Work was “Together for our Earth – in Amazonia and worldwide”. A theme that emphasizes not only the Christian message of charity but also a strong environmental awareness.

Europa-Park: A Meeting Place

Europa-Park served as an impressive backdrop for this event. The arrival of about 100-Star Singers from Germany, France, and Switzerland at the main entrance of the park was a lively and colorful event. The children from the Archdiocese of Freiburg, especially from the communities of Maria Magdalena Wutöschingen and Hausach-Hornberg, were proud to present their blessing “Christus mansionem benedicat – Christ bless this house”. This action highlighted how Europa-Park can serve as a platform for cultural and social events that go beyond mere entertainment.

A Message that Connects

The visit of the Star Singers to Europa-Park was not just an act of tradition, but also a strong symbol of hope and cohesion. In a time when global challenges like environmental protection are becoming increasingly pressing, the Star Singers show that everyone can make a contribution – regardless of age. Connecting this ancient tradition with modern themes like environmental protection underscores the importance of working across generations for a better world.

More Than Just Entertainment

Europa-Park has shown with this action that it is more than just a place of entertainment. By incorporating social and ecological themes, the park demonstrates how businesses can actively contribute to positive social development. The park thus becomes a place where visitors experience not only fun and excitement, but are also inspired to engage in important issues.

A Park with Heart

The Star Singers' campaign in Europa-Park is an outstanding example of how traditional events can gain new significance in modern contexts. The combination of fun, education, and social engagement shows that amusement parks can play a significant role in society. This day will be remembered not only as a day of joy and excitement, but also as a day when the message of hope and togetherness was brought to the forefront. Europa-Park and the Star Singers have together set a strong sign: for charity, environmental awareness, and the power of community.

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