Behind the Scenes at Europa-Park: How the blue fire Megacoaster Kicks Off Its Day

Wednesday, 13. September 2023

Monday, 16. September 2024 at 21:17
Open from 09:00 to 19:00
Light rain possible at 12,4 °C
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Europa-Park: A realm of wonder and excitement. But what transpires before the first visitors experience the thrill of its attractions? This piece shines a spotlight on one of the park's most spectacular rides: the blue fire Megacoaster. Dive into an exclusive glimpse of the morning routine ensuring the safety and smooth operation of this engineering marvel.

The Day Starts Earlier Than You'd Think

While most of the world might still be nestled in bed at 7:00 AM, there's already a hive of activity in the maintenance hall of the blue fire Megacoaster. Led by Loic Schneider, a team of experts gather to evaluate the coaster's condition. These daily assemblies are crucial in upholding Europa-Park's stringent safety and quality standards.

More Than Just a Quick Glance

Assessing the coaster's state goes beyond a mere visual inspection. Alongside visual checks, seasoned experts rely on their years of experience and finely-tuned ears to identify unusual noises, indicative of potential issues. Once the analysis is complete, action is taken – from lubricating moving parts to replacing entire components.

The Wheels - The Heartbeat of the Coaster

Though many parts require meticulous attention, one component stands out: the wheels. Each of the coaster's five trains has 120 wheels, regularly replaced to ensure peak operation. Due to their intense usage, these wheels are prone to wear, prompting a steady supply of replacements in the maintenance hall.

German Precision Ensures Safety

The blue fire Megacoaster, like all attractions at Europa-Park, adheres to strict European and particularly German safety standards. These include routine checks by external institutions such as TÜV. Additionally, welds and seat frames are scrutinized monthly. Schneider emphasizes that the primary motive behind this rigorous routine is ensuring guests' safety. Any uncertainties would result in the affected cart being sidelined.

Operations - A Well-Oiled Team

Once maintenance concludes and test runs prove successful, the Megacoaster is primed to welcome its patrons. At peak times, the ride can astonishingly accommodate 1400 guests per hour, with up to 600 runs daily. To facilitate this seamless operation, an eight-member team collaborates seamlessly, rotating positions every 30 minutes for versatility and efficiency.

A Coaster That Captures Hearts

The blue fire Megacoaster isn't just a hit with Europa-Park's visitors. For experts like Schneider, previously assigned to another park attraction, this coaster is something truly special. His enthusiasm for the technology and the ride experience of this Megacoaster is contagious, reflecting the entire team's dedication and passion.

In Conclusion

Every day, Europa-Park offers visitors unforgettable experiences. Yet behind the scenes, dedicated professionals pour their passion and expertise into ensuring each ride is safe, thrilling, and unique. The blue fire Megacoaster, with its fascinating morning routine and committed team, embodies the park's pursuit of perfection.

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