Award Ceremony at the 71st European Student Competition at Europa-Park

Friday, 14. June 2024, 15:13

Monday, 23. September 2024 at 16:33
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
Rain easing at 15,1 °C
Rain break around 5:20 p.m

On June 14, 2024, the award ceremony for the 71st European Student Competition took place at Europa-Park. Under the theme “Europe (un)limited,” a total of 256 prizes were awarded to students from nine schools in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district.

Introduction to the Competition and the Award Ceremony

This year's European Student Competition, organized by the Europa-Union, encouraged children and young people to explore the theme of boundaries with the topic “Europe (un)limited.” Participants submitted a wide range of creative works, including paintings, films, poems, songs, comics, speeches, poetry slams, sculptures, and street art. The award ceremony, traditionally held at Europa-Park, featured a display of the submitted works.

Participants and Honored Guests

Lukas Scheub, the Public Affairs Officer of the Europa-Park management team, welcomed the attendees. Oliver Rein, Mayor of Breisach and Chairman of the Europa-Union Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, moderated the event. County Commissioner Christian Ante was unable to attend and was represented by Rein. Other speakers included Nils Bunjes from the project management team of the European Competition Baden-Württemberg, as well as Mayors Klaus-Michael Tatsch (Hinterzarten) and Gerrit Reeker (Titisee-Neustadt), who also assisted with the award presentation.

Awarding of Prizes

Awards were given to students from nine participating schools, including 219 local prizes, 32 state prizes, and five national prizes. Following the ceremony, the children and young people had the opportunity to explore Europa-Park with its over 100 attractions and shows.

Participating Schools

The participating schools included Hugo-Höfler-Realschule in Breisach, Max-Planck-Realschule in Bad Krozingen, Sommerberg Elementary School in Buchenbach, Jengerschule in Ehrenkirchen, Birklehof School in Hinterzarten, Kirchzarten Elementary School and Marie-Curie High School, Bürgle Comprehensive School in March, and Titisee-Neustadt Secondary School.

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