A Rope Maker in Europa-Park: Traditional Craftsmanship Meets Cutting-edge Safety Standards

Thursday, 04. April 2024, 08:56

Monday, 23. September 2024 at 00:23
Open from 09:00 to 20:00
Cloudy at 16,3 °C
Rain around 1:35 a.m. until around 1:55 a.m

In Europa-Park various attractions thrill visitors of all ages. Less visible, yet crucial for the park's safety and ambiance, is the work of Raffael Svercsek, a rope maker utilizing his artisanal skills to produce ropes, nets, and cords.

Versatile Application Across the Park

Svercsek's handcrafted products are deployed in various thematic areas of the park, serving as safety measures, decorative elements, and functional parts of the attractions. His activity spans the entire park, demonstrating how traditional craftsmanship plays a vital role in both safety and aesthetic appeal.

Material and Technique: A Matter of Safety

Choosing the right material and knotting technique is critical for the durability and safety of the nets. Depending on the area of use and load, Svercsek selects appropriate materials, with polyester being used for high-stress areas and polypropylene for parts that wear out quickly.

Artistry and Challenge

A notable project was the creation of a fence for the water world Rulantica, a demanding task that took months to complete. This work highlights the artistry and patience required to complete such projects successfully.

Specific Challenges in Rulantica

In the water park Rulantica, the ropes and nets face additional strains as they regularly come into contact with chlorinated water. This necessitates more frequent replacements and continuous monitoring to ensure safety.

Creative Freedom and Passion

Svercsek particularly values the creative freedom and trust placed in his work. These aspects are a source of satisfaction and motivation for him.


The rope maker's work in Europa-Park blends traditional craftsmanship with contemporary safety requirements. His skills significantly contribute to the park's safety and atmosphere.

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