A Day Full of Wonders: Europa-Park Opens Its Gates to Families of the Bundesverband Kinderhospiz

Friday, 22. December 2023, 12:53

Saturday, 21. September 2024 at 10:37
Open from 09:00 to 18:00
Sunny at 16,2 °C
No precipitation expected at the moment

In a heartfelt gesture of humanity and solidarity, Mauritia Mack, wife of Europa-Park owner Jürgen Mack and ambassador of the Bundesverband Kinderhospiz e.V. (BVKH), invited affected families to an unforgettable day at Germany's largest amusement park during the winter season. This special event offered families, who face extraordinary challenges in daily life, the opportunity to experience joy and relaxation in an enchanting setting.

Shared Moments at Lunch

The day began with a joint lunch, which was more than just a culinary experience. It symbolized the community and compassion extended by the organizers to the families. For the children and their relatives, these moments were a welcome distraction from everyday life and provided an opportunity to come together in an atmosphere of joy and serenity.

Gifts That Warm the Heart

After the meal, the children were surprised with lovingly selected gifts. This gesture of generosity not only brought smiles to the children's faces but also highlighted the message of hope and support that the BVKH wishes to convey. The gifts were a symbol of care and recognition of the challenges these families face daily.

Discovery Tour Through Europa-Park

Subsequently, the families had the opportunity to explore the diverse attractions of Europa-Park. With its 16 European themed areas, each representing its own, lovingly designed world, the park offered an escape from everyday life and an adventure for all senses. Over 100 attractions were available to visitors, from breathtaking roller coasters to relaxing boat rides, catering to every age group.

Cultural and Artistic Highlights

The show program of the Circus Revue and the Kambly Winter Bakery, where decorating gingerbread became a creative experience, were other highlights of the day. The exhibition “Da lachen ja die Hühner – Peter Gaymann's Drawings at Europa-Park” offered the families a humorous and artistic diversion, focusing on smiles and the joy of life.

Ambassador Mauritia Mack: A Source of Inspiration

Mauritia Mack, deeply connected with the cause of the BVKH, expressed her emotions about the significance of this day: “It is incredibly moving for me each year to see how the children and their relatives can enjoy a few carefree hours at Europa-Park.” Her words reflect the commitment and devotion with which she supports the families, enabling them moments of joy amidst their challenging life circumstances.

A Day That Brings More Than Just Joy

The visit to Europa-Park was more than just a day of distraction for the families of the Bundesverband Kinderhospiz. It was an opportunity to gather new strength, share common experiences, and enjoy the pleasures of life, if only for a short time. This event demonstrated the importance of such moments of relaxation and happiness for families facing extraordinary life situations. Europa-Park and the BVKH jointly created an unforgettable experience that brought not only joy but also a deep sense of community and mutual understanding.

A Shining Example of Compassion and Support

The day at Europa-Park was a shining example of how compassion and support can enrich the lives of people facing severe challenges. The initiative of Mauritia Mack and the BVKH impressively demonstrates the importance of providing these families with moments of joy and cohesion. In a world often marked by challenges, such actions are invaluable. They remind us that despite all adversities, life can also be beautiful and that there are always reasons to have hope and smile.

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