Efteling Neighbors' Complaints Dismissed by Raad van State

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The Raad van State has dismissed the complaints from neighbors against Efteling amusement park. Residents living too far away cannot claim environmental grievances.

Background of the Case

A group of residents lodged complaints against the Efteling amusement park, citing concerns over exceeded visitor numbers and increased nitrogen deposition, impacting their quality of life. Despite previous court decisions in their favor, the Raad van State ruled that these individuals, due to their residential distance, do not qualify as concerned parties.

Court Decision and Rationale

The highest administrative court of the Netherlands stated that the complainants, residing between 1.5 and 1.8 kilometers from the Natura 2000 protected area and separated by the N261 road, are too distant to be directly affected.

Environmental Permits and Visitor Counting

Efteling operates under an environmental permit, allowing a maximum of five million visitors per year. However, the park has often exceeded this number by adopting an alternative counting method focusing on the number of traffic movements rather than actual visitor counts. This methodology has not been challenged.

Current and Future Permits

An application for a new environmental permit allowing up to six million guests is currently under review, while Efteling already welcomed 5.56 million visitors last year.

No Impact on Expansion Plans

The court's ruling does not directly impact the already-approved expansion plans for the park. The park boundary was relocated at the end of last year.

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