Efteling Embraces Change: The Warm Winter Meadow's New Look

Saturday, 28. October 2023, 10:11

Thursday, 19. September 2024 at 18:22
Open from 10:00 to 18:00
Sunny at 22,3 °C
No precipitation expected at the moment

This winter, the Warm Winter Meadow will unveil a completely fresh appearance. In previous years, the entire playground area was utilized for this event, but this year reveals a significant change. Drawing inspiration from the design of the Efteling Summer Beach, visitors this winter will experience a rejuvenated meadow.

From Sandcastles to Festive Crowns: A Transformation Full of Surprises

Previous attractions like the sandcastle and the bounce cushion have made way for new design elements this year. In their place now stand majestic crowns, captivating not just with their design but also with the adjacent bonfires. These provide visitors with cozy warmth during the chilly days.

The vibrant beach huts, once a summer refuge, now shimmer in a new light. They've traded their summery hues for festive decorations and now house Christmas stalls offering both culinary delights and festive souvenirs.

The Stage Remains, But With a Twist

A central feature of the Warm Winter Meadow has always been its stage. Although it remains, a significant change is afoot: The hot air balloon of Jokie and Jet, which was a standout attraction in the past, will not be a part of the ensemble this year.

A Festival Ground Adapting to the Seasons

Current alterations suggest that Efteling might be considering converting the playground into a permanent seasonal festival ground. This would mean that the meadow will be utilized both during summer and winter, always offering visitors diverse experiences.

The New Ice Rink: Bigger and Better Positioned

For many, ice-skating is the main attraction when visiting the Warm Winter Meadow. These visitors are in for a treat as the ice rink has not only expanded in size but also relocated. It's now situated at the far end of the grounds, providing more space for wintertime fun. The best part: Skating remains free of charge. And for those without their own skates, rentals are available on-site.

Opening Hours and Further Information

The Warm Winter Meadow will open its gates for the Winter Efteling period from November 13, 2023, to February 4, 2024. With these updates, Efteling reaffirms its position as a top destination for winter recreational activities.

In conclusion, the redesigned Warm Winter Meadow offers an exciting blend of the familiar and the new. The mix of wintry charm and contemporary elements ensures that every visit remains a memorable experience. Efteling is once again setting the benchmark in seasonal recreational planning.

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