A Fairy Tale Comes True: Efteling Donates 400,000 Tickets to Needy Families

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In a remarkable gesture of generosity and social responsibility, Dutch amusement park Efteling has announced plans to donate 400,000 entrance tickets to families impoverished over the next five years. This initiative, in partnership with the Leergeld Foundation, aims to bring joy and a break from everyday life to children from low-income families.

The Challenge of Poverty in the Netherlands

Current statistics reveal that one in every twelve children in the Netherlands grows up impoverished. This alarming figure highlights the need for measures that aim to provide support and hope to these children and their families. The Leergeld Foundation plays a crucial role in this regard by championing underprivileged children, providing them with access to education, leisure activities, and cultural events.

Efteling's Contribution to Social Welfare

Efteling's donation marks a significant step in this direction. The amusement park, renowned for its enchanting attractions and fairy-tale worlds, opens its gates to families who might otherwise never have the opportunity to have such experiences. “Our goal is for everyone to feel welcome, regardless of their social or financial situation,” emphasizes Hans Janssen, Chairman of the Efteling Foundation.

The Role of the Leergeld Foundation

The Leergeld Foundation currently supports approximately 160,000 children annually through 113 local foundations in the Netherlands. This partnership with Efteling allows the foundation to extend its offerings to include a truly special experience. Gaby van den Biggelaar, the foundation's director, explains, “We want these families to be supported not just in their daily lives but also to experience unforgettable moments of joy.”

The Logistics of Implementation

An important aspect of the initiative is the practical implementation. The foundation and Efteling are working together to find solutions for challenges such as distance to the park, ensuring that all families have the opportunity to benefit from this offer.

The Significance of This Action

Efteling's action is not just a generous donation, but also a strong signal of corporate responsibility and solidarity. In a time when the gap between rich and poor is widening, Efteling is sending a significant message: leisure and enjoyment are not privileges reserved for the elite, but a right that belongs to all people.

Looking to the Future

With this initiative, Efteling sets a standard for social engagement and shows how businesses can positively contribute to society. It is an example of how amusement parks and other institutions can use their resources not just for entertainment, but also to break down social barriers and effect real change.


Efteling's donation of 400,000 tickets is more than a gesture; it's a promise for a more inclusive, fairer society. By providing children and families in need with access to joy and magic, they help to make the world a slightly better place – a truly fairy-tale contribution.

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