Inside Disneyland Paris: Rebekah Leyshon Unravels Magic at Walt Disney Imagineering

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Rebekah Leyshon is not just one among many at Walt Disney Imagineering Paris but a key figure responsible for bringing stories to life and ensuring the magic of Disneyland Paris remains vibrant and authentic. Her role? Optimizing and updating the narratives told within the resort. Every day is different for her - from brainstorming sessions to correcting signs for visitors. At times, she collaborates with designers on a new project or ventures out to gather inspiration. Her interactions with diverse departments and experts within the company make her workday exceptionally exciting.

From Bookworms to Living Tales

Rebekah's passion for writing became evident in her childhood, spending every free moment reading, often secretly at night. Her academic path led her to study languages and communication. Yet, she returned to her first love, storytelling, and pursued this dream with determination.

A Dream Job at Disneyland Paris

Rebekah's journey to Disneyland Paris was somewhat serendipitous. Following a fortunate meeting with a resort representative, she launched her career in the International Marketing team. Five years and a wealth of experiences later, she seized the opportunity to chase her writing dream within Imagineering.

The Art of Storytelling at Imagineering

At Imagineering, narratives form the core of all projects. The writing process is inherently collaborative. While the approach may vary depending on the project, thorough research remains paramount. Rebekah utilizes a myriad of resources, from internal colleagues to Disney movies, to ensure her tales are genuine and complement the existing narratives in the park.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The Secret to Success

Rebekah emphasizes the significance of teamwork within the Imagineering team. Through consistent dialogue with designers, architects, and other specialists, she ensures the stories she crafts can be vividly realized in the actual world of Disneyland Paris.

Inspiration and Favorite Spots

The Disneyland Paris Resort provides daily inspirations. For Rebekah, the Adventureland, with its ambiance of adventure and discovery, stands out. She also notes that attractions like Pirates of the Caribbean, despite their nostalgic feel, constantly offer something new.

Career Highlight Moments

The enthusiasm and passion of everyone at Disney manifest in numerous moments. One such instance is an impromptu "class trip" to a designer's office to admire a model of the Curse of the Caribbean ship.

A Desired Meeting with the Master Himself

Who would Rebekah love to meet? The answer is clear: Walt Disney. To her, he epitomizes passion and vision, and she would love to present her work to him.


Rebekah Leyshon's role at Walt Disney Imagineering Paris is invaluable. With her ardor for stories and her commitment, she ensures that Disneyland Paris continues to be a place of wonder and magic. A heartfelt thanks to Rebekah for providing this in-depth insight into the world of Walt Disney Imagineering Paris!

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