Enchanting Experience at Disneyland Paris: Pièces Jaunes Campaign Captivates Sick Children

Wednesday, 17. January 2024, 19:07

Sunday, 22. September 2024 at 01:12
Open from 09:30 to 22:00
Rain at 18,9 °C
Rain ended around 2:05 a.m

Hundreds of children and adolescents were treated to a day of wonder and joy at Disneyland Paris. Thanks to the ongoing partnership with the Pièces Jaunes campaign, they and their families were offered an unforgettable experience in a world brimming with magic.

A Journey into the World of Fantasy

The long-standing collaboration between Disneyland Paris and the Fondation des Hôpitaux once again opened doors to a world of dreams and adventures. Children from various cities in France became part of the musical Pixar adventure “TOGETHER” and encountered their heroes up close. For these special guests, every moment was transformed into a magical experience, tenderly accompanied by the dedicated Disney VoluntEARS.

A Commitment That Moves Hearts

The passion and dedication of Natacha Rafalski, President of Disneyland Paris, and Anne Barrère, Vice President of the Fondation des Hôpitaux, are reflected in the sparkle of the children's eyes. The magic that the resort exudes makes young hearts beat faster and offers them a precious respite from hospital routines.

A Solidary Network

Support for the Pièces Jaunes campaign extends beyond the park boundaries. The sale of special themed bags and pins, as well as the use of piggy banks throughout the resort, continue the commitment. Disneyland Paris doubles the collected donations and donates the coins thrown into park fountains to support the valuable work of the Foundation.

A Tradition of Giving

Three decades of cooperation between Disneyland Paris and the Fondation des Hôpitaux have established a tradition of giving and joy. The Pièces Jaunes campaign serves as an example of how collective efforts and the magic of giving can bring about positive changes in the lives of those in need.

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