Disneyland Paris 2024: A Magic Kingdom Supports Children's Well-Being with Pièces Jaunes

Wednesday, 10. January 2024, 19:22

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Disneyland Paris continues its tradition of social commitment by supporting the 2024 Pièces Jaunes campaign of the Fondation des Hôpitaux. This long-standing partnership highlights the connection between entertainment and social responsibility that Disneyland Paris has pursued for years.

Supporting the Pièces Jaunes Campaign: A Long-standing Commitment

For over 30 years, Disneyland Paris has played an active role in the Pièces Jaunes initiative. The 2024 campaign, running from January 10th to February 4th, marks the 31st year of this significant partnership. Disneyland Paris, more than just a place for leisure fun, demonstrates its deep commitment to the community through this meaningful action.

Innovative merchandise for a good cause

In the 2024 campaign, Disneyland Paris has launched specially designed merchandise items. These include tote bags and pins, designed in the distinctive colors and logo of the Pièces Jaunes campaign. Available in selected shops of the resort, such as World of Disney in Disney Village and Flora’s Unique Boutique in Main Street, U.S.A., in Disneyland Park. All proceeds from these items will be donated to the Fondation des Hôpitaux to support children and adolescents in hospitals.

Community Engagement and Doubling of Donations

Disneyland Paris not only motivates through the sale of products but also invites guests and employees, known as Cast Members, to participate in the campaign. Donation boxes are placed throughout the resort to collect contributions. In a remarkable act of generosity, Disneyland Paris will double the collected amount. Additionally, coins thrown into the park's fountains will also be donated to the campaign.

A Special Day: Inviting Young Patients and Their Families

The highlight of the Pièces Jaunes campaign is January 17th. On this day, Disneyland Paris invites hundreds of young patients, their families, and hospital staff to an unforgettable stay in the parks. Participants from the Paris region and cities like Bordeaux, Lyon, and Reims will experience a day full of magic and joy, providing a welcome distraction from hospital life.

Disney VoluntEARS: Commitment Beyond the Campaign

Disneyland Paris's support for social projects is not limited to the Pièces Jaunes campaign. The Disney VoluntEARS, a group of volunteer employees, engage in various charitable projects throughout the year. Since the park's inception in 1991, the VoluntEARS have delighted over 40,000 hospitalized children with visits from Disney characters.

More Than an Amusement Park

Disneyland Paris proves, with its commitment to the Pièces Jaunes campaign, that it is much more than a place of entertainment. It is a community that actively contributes to the well-being of children and adolescents. In a time when corporate social responsibility is becoming increasingly important, Disneyland Paris sets a shining example of combining business acumen with social commitment.

With the 2024 Pièces Jaunes campaign, Disneyland Paris once again shows how an amusement park can become a place of hope and support for those who need it most. It's a reminder that magic exists in many forms, sometimes in the shape of generosity and compassion.

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