Roller Coaster Fury in Bobbejaanland Temporarily Closed Due to Technical Defects

Tuesday, 14. May 2024, 11:15

Thursday, 13. March 2025 at 13:59
Closed today
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The well-known roller coaster Fury in Bobbejaanland has been temporarily shut down due to a technical defect. A specialized replacement part, currently out of stock, is delaying the resumption of operations.

Technical Issue with Fury

The popular roller coaster Fury is currently out of service. The cause is a defect in an essential component necessary for the operation of the trains. This damage prevents the coaster from being operational. Bobbejaanland officials are working diligently on a solution; however, the required replacement part is so specific that it is not immediately available. The delivery time for the part remains uncertain, leading to an indefinite wait for the defect to be fixed.

Communication and Customer Information

The park's website simply states, “This attraction is currently closed,” with no further details on the duration of the closure. This sparse communication leaves room for speculation and could unsettle visitors who come specifically for Fury.

Other attractions were also affected

Fury is not the only attraction suffering from technical difficulties. The 3D simulator, The Forbidden Caves, will remain closed throughout 2024 due to ongoing technical complications that make opening it impossible. Additionally, extensive maintenance is required for the Aztek Express attraction, which will also take several weeks. The Koggemolen, another attraction, has been permanently removed this season.

Tip for news?

Bobbejaanland - TOP5 of the current waiting times
Attraction Course Daily schedule Waiting time
Bob Express Tagesverlauf Tagesverlauf
El Rio Tagesverlauf Tagesverlauf
Fury Tagesverlauf Tagesverlauf
Indiana River Tagesverlauf Tagesverlauf
Naga Bay Tagesverlauf Tagesverlauf
All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.
Data status as of 11.11.2024 at 17:15